Crabapples, some partially eaten, covered in frost after a freezing fog. |
A female house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) picking a crabapple. |
Crabapples, some partially eaten, covered in frost after a freezing fog. |
A female house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) picking a crabapple. |
Spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis) cocoons in the corner of a window frame. |
Spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis) pupae. |
A brand new pupa of a spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis). |
The first stop for this recently emerged spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis) moth was my mother's leg. |
One of the moths resting on a palm frond after its first extended flight. |
An adult green lacewing (Chrysopidae) on a leaf with whiteflies. |
An adult brown lacewing (Hemerobiidae) on a papaya leaf. |
A row of lacewing eggs. |
A green lacewing larva carrying a disguise of ant bodies. |
Eggs of a whitefly (Aleurodicus sp.) on the underside of a palm leaf. |
An adult whitefly (Aleurodicus sp.) and eggs on the underside of a papapya leaf. |
A closeup of an adult whitefly on a palm leaf. |
An aroid vine (Araceae) with an open inflorescence and several buds. |
The mysterious yellow cocoon (?) with a green line across the middle. |
A shed snake skin entwined in a fig tree. |
A southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus) sunning itself on a wall. |
A southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus) watching me from the foliage. |
A queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus) caterpillar just after molting. |
A spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis) just after molting. |
Rabbit footprints in the snow. |
A zebra longwing (Heliconius charithonia), the state butterfly of Florida, feeding at a flower. |
A spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis) climbs up a wall to find a place to pupate. |
A spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis) in its cocoon of silk and hairs. |
The early pupa, before it has darkened. |
A young Alope sphinx (Erinnyis alope) caterpillar camouflaged against a papaya leaf vein. |
An Alope sphinx (Erinnyis alope) caterpillar showing its eyespot. |
The Alope sphinx (Erinnyis alope) caterpillar that I found in the leaf litter below the papaya. |
Another view of the dark form of the Alope sphinx (Erinnyis alope) caterpillar. |
A spotted oleander caterpillar (Empyreuma affinis) eating an oleander (Nerium oleander) leaf. |
One of the five Alope sphinx (Erinnyis alope) caterpillars that nearly defoliated the young papaya (Carica papaya) tree. |
One of the leafrollers that had been eating the parsley (now in a jar). |
An armyworm (Spodoptera sp.) that had been eating the basil. |
The monarch butterfly was eager to be free. |
The monarch butterfly resting on a neem tree after its first flight. |
The monarch chrysalis eight minutes before the butterfly emerged. |
The monarch butterfly tumbling out of the chrysalis. |
The monarch butterfly 0, 9, and 19 minutes after emerging. |