Monday, October 13, 2014

Growing up in bubbles, part two

After feeding on lots of plant sap from within its blanket of bubbles, the spittlebug nymph sheds its skin...

The exuviae of a spittlebug nymph.
...and emerges as an adult froghopper.

An adult froghopper (Aphrophora sp.).
In addition to discarding its old exoskeleton, the adult froghopper abandons the bubbly shelter that kept it safe as a nymph.  It no longer needs to hide from its enemies, since it can easily escape them.  True to their name, froghoppers are very adept at hopping.  In fact, they are among the best hoppers in the world (especially when accounting for their size).

Explore some more: Guinness world record: highest jump by an insect and Jumping performance of froghopper insects

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